The best Shopify connector on the market
Our connector allows you to automatically synchronize your products and assets from Quable PIM on your Shopify e-commerce site(s), with settings in just a few clicks and no technical expertise required. Enrich and distribute your product data smoothly and consistently, while reducing your team's workload. Take advantage of this powerful synergy to boost the efficiency of your e-commerce and deliver an optimal customer experience.

Make like Lalique!
Lalique, a multi-brand group, synchronized its 10 Shopify stores in 9 countries for over 18,000 products in just a few weeks thanks to PIM Quable and its Shopify app. The ease with which the app can be set up, the automation of repetitive tasks, the internationalization of data through language synchronization, and a single connector for the different stores all helped to save time, reduce errors, improve efficiency, cut costs and accelerate international deployment in Europe, Asia and the United States.