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How to integrate your project PIM into your IS roadmap?
A project PIM is, as its name indicates, a project, a key element of your future or current IT strategy, which therefore needs to be carefully prepared if it is to be carried out successfully and reap all possible benefits. This project PIM must therefore have its full, legitimate and agreed place in your IS action plan. It is advisable to give it all the consideration it deserves and to show that it is now an integral part of your strategy as a project PIM. But how can it be effectively integrated?
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In this Ebook, you will discover :
- How to anticipate and think about the timing of an integration PIM.
- Which project leaders and actors to choose and how to include them in your project PIM.
- Why PIM allows you to benefit from global acceleration in all your services.
- Why and how to get effective support!
What about you? Is a project PIM planned in your IS roadmap?