Video customer testimonial : Roger Pradier and PIM Quable

Roger Pradier, a French company, has been marketing high-end lighting fixtures worldwide since 1910.
Today it's Aurélien Paudat, IT & Digital Machine Manager, who shares his experience of the PIM at Roger Pradier.
Quable: the PIM solution for international brands
With markets mainly in Europe and as far away as Australia, Roger Pradier is facing numerous problems in the management and circulation of its product data.
How to optimize its data model? How to centralize product information and distribute it quickly with its partners and on all its sales channels? How to open new international markets?
Aurélien Paudat shares with you the advantages and benefits of PIM as well as his experience with Roger Pradier.
Quable is the product information management solution PIM & DAM for brands seeking growth. The objective of this solution PIM is to propel your products everywhere and in record time.

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