Deploying a tool PIM (1/3): initializing your product files

To effectively manage their product enhancement process, companies often deploy a PIM (Product Information Management) system.
Before you start, you need to know the different steps that will enable you to cover your entire product creation workflow, from conception to market launch? Quable can help you understand the key steps in the implementation of a PIM, and support you in modernizing your processes and optimizing your development.
Simplify the enrichment and distribution of its product offering with a solution PIM
Many brands that want to go digital are looking to break away from the use of Excel files and time-consuming methods that are generally sources of errors, to easily update and enrich their product repository. But setting up a PIM can be scary. Wrongly, because a powerful tool PIM adapts to all sizes of companies and capitalizes on the structuring of existing data.
"Our objective is not to make the big bang at our clients, but to understand how the teams work on a daily basis." - Baptiste Legeay, Managing Director of Quable.
For a successful deployment, the initialization of well-structured and quality data is the first step to follow.

Initialization and data mapping, the first steps in getting your PIM
References, colours, dimensions, maintenance and storage conditions or technical information... Your company and your ERP are a mine of information and full of product data.
As soon as a product is validated and marketed, it is possible to import these data into a PIM for an efficient management of your product repository.
How does it work with Quable?
Quable's PIM software retrieves technical and logistical coding or product classification data from your ERP and makes it accessible via a fluid, clear and ergonomic interface.
This fully configurable platform gives you centralized access to the desired properties and allows you to receive notifications directly in your dashboard. They will indicate, for example, the arrival of a new product or an update.
Easy interconnection with Quable
Quable has the ability, via its import platform, tointerconnect with other platforms on the market. The software is capable of importing 200,000 products with over 100 attributes in less than 3 minutes. It is also possible to retrieve flat CSV or Excel files from an FTP and to set the frequency of data retrieval (once a day, once a week, etc.).
Do away with your old Excel files
In the companies we support, before the implementation of their tool PIM, we often observe information stored in Excel files that are not very ergonomic and contain all the product information.
This is sometimes compounded by the use of several parallel files: one for Amazon, one for e-commerce, another for marketplaces... And not all of them necessarily have the same attributes or need the same information.
The company must manage updates, formats (flat file, CSV file, Excel file, etc.), language variations - French, English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, etc. The more sales channels and languages you manage, the more time-consuming and error-prone the management of these files will be.
Our goal is to transform this boring Excel file into a simple, efficient and user-friendly solution for the company that will use it.
How to customise your product sheets?
Let's take a concrete case of updating a product sheet.
With Quable PIM, there are no more columns and rows to manage in Excel: the user finds all the information he needs on a clear, easy-to-read product sheet, in which he can manage all the attributes of his product catalog.
In order to respond as precisely as possible to the company's needs and to avoid overloading, the information centralised on this sheet is fully customisable. The display of the desired properties can be set in a few clicks within the solution, with a visual overview of the completeness levels of your various channels (Amazon, e-commerce, paper catalogue or others). Depending on the channels you wish to feed, it is possible to know in one click which fields to complete and to set the desired level of enrichment.
Quality and completeness of the product data
Quable allows you to ensure the completeness and quality of your product data in an efficient and simple way thanks to a highly customisable dashboard. This dashboard allows you to create indicators by arrival date and to obtain a business view by employee. It gives you a clear and precise view of the life of your product data!
The software allows you to set up import profiles, customise the frequency of data retrieval and map fields to precisely match the file structure of your ERP.
And since products from your ERP are added to PIM on an ongoing basis, your teams are constantly notified so that the product repository can be completed.
All these functions allow you to manage your data optimally, but also to interconnect with most platforms on the market.

Things to remember
Quable is an easy-to-use solution that allows you to easily initialise and migrate all your product data. It allows you to :
- Leverage data already known to the company;
- Doing data mapping ;
- Plan and integrate your product information;
- Covering your entire product definition workflow from inception to launch
Quable guarantees optimal import performance of your product data and a smooth interconnection between your existing tools. Initialization of your PIM becomes child's play! Want to discover our solution? Ask for a demo!