Matching the right media to the right products in record time

Working with visual product data cannot be improvised and is sometimes a skill that is less well mastered by marketing and e-commerce teams. However, in our resolutely visual era, it seems inconceivable today to create a product repository by dissociating the management of photographs. The launch of a new collection, the seasonal renewal of the catalogue, the creation of a new range or the adaptation of visuals to new markets require a refresh or the creation of high quality visuals.
Even before being associated with the right products and triggering the upload that will start the sale, these visuals will follow long stages, taken in hand by many actors and... will sometimes encounter some friction. Here's why, thanks to PIM DAM solutions, it is essential to scrupulously follow the following steps that will allow you to optimize the management of data and information related to your products.
Linking photos to product sheets: an acute time crunch
First of all, a photo session is organised to take pictures of the product samples. The photographer orchestrates the shooting and the photos follow one another according to the wishes of the shooter. Generally, 3 to 5 contextualised shots are selected:
- For example, for a pair of shoes: 1 front view, 2 side views, 1 top view and 1 "lifestyle" view, worn on a mannequin will be necessary.
After the editing work, the question arises of sending and associating the data with the logistics data in the ERP and the marketing and technical data on the PIM (Product Information Manager).
At this stage, methods and tools abound: external image banks, Wetransferintranet, Google Drive... is it really productive? Is the connectivity with the text part of your product sheet 100% reliable and fluid?
Most of the time, the teams raise issues, often blocking, such as :
- Manual sorting of photographs and associated search time
- High-definition media upload time multiplied by the number of shots counted in hours
- Common linking errors:
- To the wrong product sheet and the risk of a corrupted upload
- With sales channels that require precise format and view variations
- Enrichment of textual data (photo credits, copyrights, information about models, etc.) related to the media via Excel, which creates a new need for linking
To achieve this combination and save time, it is necessary to take a global approach where marketing dataIn order to achieve this combination and to save time, it is necessary to take a global approach in which all the elements, technical and media, are worked on uniformly.

Link products and media automatically from Quable PIM/DAM in 4 steps
To manage the media assets that revolve around products, it is recommended to use a DAM (Digital Asset Manager). Better yet, to ensure a perfect centralization of marketing, technical and media information, a DAM solution integrated with a PIM (Product Information Manager) is ideal to make all teams collaborate in the same place.
Quable is a PIM and a DAM, but it is also a unique methodology for linking products and photographs without manual work. Thanks to automated management and a clear and precise definition of workflows, the management of information, media and other data is much faster, more efficient and more qualitative. The complementary nature of the DAM, integrated with PIM, ensures that companies can rely on the reliability of the data and the proper management of the product life cycle.
Why implement this process with Quable PIM and DAM?
The implementation of a data management thanks to the association PIM DAM offers many solutions to companies including :
- Automate the sending of media to PIM by linking it to the the right product sheet. Quable provides an application that generates a unique barcode per product. When the photo is taken, the photographer scans it with his handheld and the photo is sent to PIM. This creates a unique reference link between the barcode and the product sheet on the PIM.
- Eliminate the upload time. With this process, the photos are sent immediately. No more sending and downloading, the teams receive the photographs on the PIM product sheet.
- Easily manage copyrights and other textual data related to media. As the media is linked to the right product sheet, all that remains is to follow these fields directly in the PIM
- Automatically adapt photographs according to the requirements of the sales channels (marketplaces, e-commerce site, pdf catalogue, etc.). Quable's DAM brick allows you to automatically adapt the formats according to the channels involved. Efficiency guaranteed.
Renewing or creating new photos for your products is a recurring activity that is extremely time-consuming for the teams in charge of this process and the intervening teams (marketing, for example). Beyond the tedious operational aspects, sales can be impacted in case of errors, which can happen very quickly, when the processes of linking with the product sheet are not mastered. At Quable, we looked into this issue and decided to create a way to eliminate all the manual steps, from the moment the photo is taken, to its association in the PIM.
Do you want to save time in managing your media to speed up your sales?
Request your free demo!