STUDY] The simple product sheet optimization that sells

STUDY] The simple product sheet optimization that sells

Presenting a product to customers in-store or through a product sheet on the internet does not involve the same strategies. In both cases, the information that enhances the product must be easily accessible, but on digital channels, the clock is ticking and the consumer is much more likely to close the page if they do not find what they are looking for immediately.

Working on the product sheet is therefore essential to provide the same wealth of information as in the shop, while at the same time capturing the visitor's interest more quickly.

What product benefits should be emphasised? Should the emphasis be on the photos or on the descriptions? How can you avoid turning them into an indigestible list? A recent study by the Baymard Institute, which specialises in user experience (UX), highlights the sales opportunities companies are missing out on due to an uninspiring product sheet.

One of the keys, which 52% of the websites surveyed do not use? Juxtaposing graphic elements and descriptions on product photos to highlight their characteristics.

Converting through product information structuring

With e-commerce, the way consumers make their purchasing decisions is very different from the in-store experience, where they see the product and can ask a salesperson for advice. Alone in front of his screen, he scans in a glance the product sheet to find all the information about a product.

And in the absence of the salesperson, it is up to him to convince himself of the relevance of his purchase. In order not to lose them, the act of buying must be accompanied by highlighting the information that describes the product in an innovative way.

This is why the structuring of product information becomes essential. According to the Baymard Institute, for some products, a zoom on a selection of key characteristics, For some products, the product information is accompanied by dedicated photos to draw the visitor's attention to the features that are important to know.

It is therefore :

  • to identify a limited number of differentiating features,
  • to associate a photo that highlights them,
  • structure them in the form of photos and paragraphs, placing them high enough in the product sheet to pique the visitor's interest,

This way of highlighting the essential benefits of a product is more effective than the classic "bullet point" lists or generic description texts.

Texts and media, an inseparable pair

In order to convey what makes a product unique, e-tailers must consider both the content and the form of the visual and textual information. Once the product description is exhaustive, its presentation must seduce the consumer and lead him to a pleasant, playful search that manages to make him forget about the search time.

According to the Baymard Institute, when the product sheet loads, 56% of users pay attention to the photographs as the very first action. But photos alone do not always make specific information about product characteristics concrete.

It is by adding graphic illustrations or small text elements within the photos that we can capture the attention of visitors. Visuals and descriptions must be combined This will create "augmented photos" and make the user experience dynamic and rich.

Image optimization of product sheet

Streamline the presentation of product data with PIM

Faced with these ergonomic challenges that impact the user experience (UX), the preparation work around the product information takes on its full meaning and requires solutions designed to save time for digital teams.

Using a tool that brings together PIM (Product Information Management) and DAM (Digital Asset Management), e-commerce teams can build up their product data sheets, respecting the granularity of information to prioritize the importance of content and the types of associated media.

According to the Baymard Institute, this process allows the Internet user to slow down his or her reading pace and encourages the understanding and memorization of products.

By personalizing your product data in Quable PIM, you can express your creativity to transcribe both the brand universe and the sales forces' discourse. The purchase path emancipates itself from virtual limits and allows you to evolve according to digital trends.

Solutions such as Quable support e-commerce and marketing teams to reveal the brand universe and hold the user's attention to consciously lead them to the purchase act.

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Aude is passionate about transmission, training and pedagogy. With 10 years of experience in e-commerce and digital marketing, she now specialises in web writing around these subjects but also for the sectors of continuing education, (digital) learning, employability and the equestrian world.