Why choose a service partner rather than a publisher?

Why choose a service partner rather than a publisher?

Many companies are faced with a dilemma when they decide to implement a software solution: should they call on the software publisher directly, or would it be better to use a service partner? 

This choice can have major repercussions on the success of the IT project, in terms of deadlines, costs, and meeting specific needs. 

The aim of this article is to show why, in many cases, a service partner is a more appropriate solution, thanks to its personalized approach and global project management.

The software publisher's strengths and limitations

The software publisher is the company that designs, develops and markets software. It offers standardized products, generally intended for a wide audience, and also provides technical support for these solutions.

Editor's advantages

  • In-depth technical expertise: The editor knows his product inside out, since he created it. He can provide accurate information and quickly resolve bugs or malfunctions;
  • Standardized, upgradeable products: Publishers seek to develop their software to meet the needs of as many users as possible and ensure regular updates; 
  • Technical support: They often offer specialized assistance for users of their solutions.

Publisher's limits

  • Lack of customization: Products are designed for a broad audience, which means that adaptation to specific needs is limited;
  • Managing complex projects: Editors are not always equipped to manage complex integrations with other systems, or to customize their solution in depth;
  • High costs: The services of an editor can be expensive, especially if specific modifications or integrations are required;
  • Bandwidth and responsiveness: Although the editor can intervene from time to time, he does not have the resources to ensure optimal bandwidth and immediate responsiveness. To guarantee a smooth, uninterrupted user experience, even during peak periods, we recommend using partners who specialize in this area.

The service partner: a tailor-made partner

A systems service partner is a company specializing in the analysis, implementation and optimization of software solutions within an organization. 

Its role is to adapt solutions to the specific needs of the company, ensuring coordination and integration between various tools. The service partner offers a number of advantages: 

  • Customization: The service partner adapts software solutions to the precise needs of the company, creating a tailor-made solution rather than a generic product;
  • Expertise: Unlike a software publisher who focuses on the solution, a service partner takes into account the company's challenges and business processes; 
  • Control: The service partner is responsible for complete project management, from needs analysis to implementation and user training;
  • Agility: It can quickly adjust solutions to reflect changes in the project or company.

There are many different types of service partners, ranging from generalists capable of working on different systems, to specialists with expertise in a particular field or technology. It's essential to choose a service partner based on the specific needs of the project.

What are the criteria for choosing a service partner?

When a company decides to call on the services of a service partner, it is crucial to take several criteria into account to ensure that the chosen partner will be able to meet the project's requirements.

Technical skills

Service partners must have in-depth knowledge of the technologies they implement. His expertise must match the solutions the company wishes to deploy.


An experienced service partner will find it easier to anticipate potential problems and propose appropriate solutions. It's important to check their portfolio and make sure they've worked on similar projects before.


The service partner must adopt a rigorous methodology to manage the project, including risk management, deadlines, and coordination between teams. Agile methodologies, for example, are particularly popular in digital transformation projects.

Customer relations

Good communication is vital to the success of the project. A service partner must be attentive to the company's needs, and offer personalized support throughout the process. What's more, only a partner can offer a long-term commitment in the form of TMA (Technical Maintenance and Assistance) contracts or equivalent. This type of contract provides customers with invaluable ongoing support for all future questions and projects.

Quable and its network of technology partners

Quable works with a network of service partners, including Axome, Zento, Numendo, Synolia, Wemea, Code, Xngage, toHero and Awebi...

These service partners are responsible for deploying the PIM Quable tool within companies' existing systems, particularly those of retailers. Their expertise enables them to optimize internal processes, while guaranteeing smooth, efficient adoption of the PIM solution, tailored to the specific needs of each customer.

To summarize the article:

While the software publisher offers a standardized, technically sound solution, the service partner positions itself as a tailor-made partner, capable of adapting the solution to the specific needs of each company. 

Depending on the complexity of the project and the business issues at stake, calling on the services of a service partner will ensure a better match between the tools deployed and the company's objectives. To choose the right integrator, it's essential to take into account their experience, technical skills and ability to understand and meet specific expectations.

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