The Soli'run solidarity company

This Sunday, March 26, the Quable team PIM team is taking part in the Soli'run, the race against poor housing organized by Habitat et Humanisme Île-de-France and several Rotary Clubs, and supporting the La Maison qui déménage! project designed by startup Univers&Conseils.
Because solidarity and ecology are values to which we subscribe, we have decided this year to support an innovative project to promote the integration of people in difficulty: La Maison qui déménage!
The principle: to build temporary housing, entirely eco-designed, modular, nomadic and without any impact on the land and the environment, so that people living in poor housing can find a solution for social reintegration while waiting for access to permanent housing.
And it is by running that we will seal our commitment! The whole team will put on their running shoes this weekend, some will run 10km or 6km and others will walk for 4km. Every kilometre run will be turned into a donation to help Habitat et Humanisme install two new houses in Malakoff. We will go to the heart of the Bois-de-Boulogne to work out, more motivated than ever to give a helping hand to "La Maison qui déménage! ».
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If you want to support the project, find out more about " The House that moves! ».
If you would like to know more about the Habitat et Humanisme Île-de-France movement, please visit here.