GUIDE] Generate a product catalogue from Quable PIM in 4 steps
![GUIDE] Generate a product catalogue from Quable PIM in 4 steps](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/60c1c6d8535a233b025da75e/62b48838c6ac77153ade64f7_Header%20Generer%20un%20catalogue%20produit%20(1).jpeg)
The PIM (Product Information Manager) allows you to automate the creation of your product catalog. All you have to do is tell it what to do! All you have to do is define your template and apply your display rules beforehand to obtain a ready-to-use document by clicking on a simple button from PIM. This requires careful preparation that will save you a lot of time later on. The first thing to do is to create a mock-up for your catalog. For this, there are 4 questions to ask yourself:
1. What content do you want to use?
From a solution PIM, you have to choose the categories of products, collections, seasons that you want to appear in the catalog. Of course, you can choose to integrate your entire your product repository.... Or only a range of products in a brochure. In short, it's up to you!
2. How do you want the content to be arranged?
Whether it's the texts or the photos, you choose their appearance. Full-page photos or thumbnails, length of text, content hierarchy, presence of QR codes... You define a layout that will be your unique reference later on, to highlight the products differently.
3. What graphic layout do you use?
From design to distribution, colours, borders, backgrounds and font sizes allow you to create a catalogue that makes your customers want to see your products. This is the railway of your catalogue creation.
This customisation step is important to ensure that the catalogue reflects your brand image. Whether it is a digital or printed product catalogue, it is possible to play with colours, textures, font sizes and illustrations. If you have imagined that the catalogue will be used only digitally, don't forget to discuss this point with the creative teams during the briefing to obtain an optimal layout for the catalogue.
Your catalogue must enable the recipient to understand at a glance who you are and what you offer. The graphic design will therefore differ depending on whether you are selling furniture or travel!

4. What rules do you want to put in place?
These display rules allow you to define precisely what you want to see in the catalogue, depending on the context.
For example, for products marketed in the US, you may want to display For example, you may want to display a statement about the origin of their components, whereas other countries will not need to display this. Or simply define what to display if certain information did not exist for a product.
Once the model has been designed, all that's left to do is send it to the Quable teams for integration into Quable PIM. The information in the PIM will automatically populate the fields defined in your catalog layout.
And you can download your catalogue in pdf format at the touch of a button. Of course, we will support you in your thinking process to ensure the success of your project.
Distribute your product catalogue
Once structured and styled, your catalogue is created in one click. Content and media are automatically inserted into it. It is finally ready! You can extract it directly in .pdf format. It can be sent to your printer who, after having calibrated the colours, will take over to bring your paper catalogue to life. It is useful to ask for a proof and/or a print proof as required. Another option: you can decide to make it available directly on your website, for free download. The objective of making it freely available online is twofold: to generate sales thanks to the pages and design of your catalogue, but also to gather valuable marketing information on your customers and their consumption habits thanks to Google Analytics.
Deploy your product catalogue internationally
If your company is not present in France but in several international markets, it is interesting to use PIM to create product catalogs in several languages without effort.
Once you have defined your layout, all you have to do is choose the language in which you want to generate your product catalogue. For this to work, your product content must already be available in the desired language.
Not yet? Don't panic, you can always have them translated via the TextMaster plugin directly integrated in PIM.

Need a dynamic product catalogue?
Do you need to change the graphic layout of your catalogue frequently?
To be able to change styles, fonts or decorative elements on the fly, you will have to consider a different solution: the connection between Quable PIM and a software such as Easy Catalog.
We design a flow that directly feeds Easy Catalog with product information from PIM. Your graphic designer is then free to modify the layout of the fields in the model as well as the colors or graphic elements of the layout. Your catalog is a key communication tool that can contribute to creating a differentiating brand image. Integrated in an omnichannel strategy, it reinvents itself to position itself as a relevant complement to digital tools.
By highlighting your products and facilitating their marketing to customers, whether they are BtoC or BtoBIt is an essential tool in your communication and sales strategy.
So why not gain in efficiency and productivity by simplifying its creation?
The PIM is the new indispensable ally to gain efficiency in the creation of your catalog. In a few clicks, take your catalog into a new dimension! You save time, automate its creation and facilitate its distribution. It's up to you!